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Join a keystone gis Committee!

Committees are what drive Keystone GIS and are a great way to get involved as a Keystone GIS Member! Since Keystone GIS is a non-profit, volunteer run organization, every committee needs Keystone GIS Members to help push the organization forward.  As a committee member, you can help Keystone GIS run smoothly by offering your service and expertise while building your leadership experience, professional development, and networking reach.


Governance Committee
The Governance Committee shall address the framework that structures Keystone GIS and the Board of Directors and how the organization operates. Additionally, the Governance Committee manages Keystone GIS awards. This committee shall report any recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Membership & Outreach Committee
The Membership & Outreach Committee shall be advocates for Keystone GIS members and benefits to the membership, work to acquire and sustain the membership for Keystone GIS with a focus on under-represented populations, and function as the communication arm of Keystone GIS. The Committee will handle communication across all social media channels, email listservs and will be responsible for handling other forms of public- and membership-focused outreach.

Finance Committee
Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the organization, and deposit all such funds in the name of the organization in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the board of directors.

Education Committee
The purpose of the Education Committee is to provide a vehicle for Keystone GIS to educate communities, governments, and corporations in the development of Geographic Information Systems/Science (GIS and GIScience, respectively) and GIS data, and to be an advocate and voice for geospatial education within the state. This committee will also focus on Diversity, Equity, or Inclusivity (DEI) issues in geospatial education.

Professional Development Committee
The purpose of the Professional Development Committee will facilitate networking, advocating for continuing education opportunities, and compiling a yearly status report on the current geospatial industry and projected trends.

Technology Committee
The mission of the technology committee is to administer and manage the online presence, accounts, and software for Keystone GIS, and coordinate online content with other committees and organizations as needed.

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